Osteopathy was “coined” in 1874 by the founder Andrew Taylor Still. It is a drugless form of manual therapy that takes the whole body into consideration. Through gentle manipulative approaches the body is brought back to balance to ensure the functioning as a whole is restored. As by the founders words "find it, fix it, leave it alone", meaning make the adjustments necessary and allow the body to self heal and self regulate. Andrew Taylor Still believed that people’s diseases were caused by muscoskeletal problems. Every individual will present and respond differently therefore there is no cookie cutter treatment for a certain issue. This is why Classical Osteopathy is great because treatment is based on principles and every treatment will be different.
1. The body is a unit
2. The body is self-healing and self-regulating
3. Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated
4. Rational treatment precedes
Osteopathic treatments are gentle, safe and effective for all ages.
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Osteopathic Treatments in Vaughan, ON